As it was in the days of Noah "But as the days of Noah were,so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking,marrying and giving in marriage,until the day tha Noah entered into the ark,And knew not until the flood came,and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." Matthew 24:37-39 What's it like today? The account of Noah is found in Genesis 6:5-22 and Genesis chapters 7-9. Lets take a look at what happened before God's judgement came down and destroyed the world with a flood. In Genesios 6:5 it says " And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."Genesis 6:11-12 says that,"The earth also was corrupt before God,and the earth was filled with violence,and God looked upon the earth,and,behold,it was corrupt;for all flesh had corrupted his way on the earth." Let's go over some of the things that are going on today. One of every two marriages ends in divorce.Children are having children.Children are killing children.Mothers are killing their children and fathers are killing their children. People are living together without the marriage commitment. Homosexuality is being pushed as an "alternative"lifestyle.And even though there is no proof,homosexuals are claiming that they have no control,that they were born that way. NAMBLA (The North American Man-Boy Love Association )is trying to make the same claim.They are saying that they are born this way and can't help it if they are attracted to boys. Our government is using taxpayers money to fund pornographic and blasphemic art. (Such as a film showing Jesus Christ as a topless woman,a film showing one man shoving his head into another man's rectum, a man disrobed and sexually stimulating himself on stage,and a picture of the cross of Christ dipped in urine.) Television and movies show all manner of sexual perversion. Even prime time television shows adultery,fornication and rape as a normal way of life.People in our government want to lower the age of consent for sex down to 12 years. That would mean a 35 year old man could have sex with a 12 year ild girl,"if she consented"legally. Christians and Patriots (people who believe in what our constitution was founded on )are considered enemies of the state.They are considered"hate groups" who need to be watched as terrorists.There is a task force meeting behind closed doors on how to deal with Christians. Anyone who holds to traditional values is considered "unenlightened". The media has been used to make fundamental believers look like stupid fools.And if a Christian falls,it is magnified over the air,while the real crimes of our government are covered up! Over 36 million babies have been tortuerd and murdered.People who believe that these babies have the right to live are portrayed like they are"uncaring". When a few ignorant people do something stupid,like shoot an abortionist,the blame is placed on the pro-life movement. By the way,why is it that the term "Pro-Life" is offensive? Doesn't everyone want to live? I guess its because the term "Pro-Choice"sounds so much more sophisticated and educated than to use the term Pro-Death! There is never much said about the death rate among women who have aborted their babies,or who have suffered physical and psychological damage due to this"procedure". Life support and even food and water are witheld from accident victims by people(doctors)who say they aren't fit to live. Humanity is being brought down to the level of animals,while animals are being raised to the level of humanity,(save the Whales,the Spotted Owls,Dolphins,Manatees,etc,etc). Public schools are being used as halls of science in which the children are being trained to ignore the teaching of their parents. There are also"churches" in which the children practice witchcraft and other forms of the occult. They are also being used to distribute condoms and encourge sexual behavior among children. This education is beginning in Kindergarten in some schools.They don't teach abstinence,as that is considered a"religious and moral"issue that needs to be taught at home. They show them how to have"safe sex". Parents are losing their rights as the state becomes mother,father,brother and sister of the child. The children are being taught that there is no right or wrong and that each can develop his/her/own value system..They are taught they have certain rights,regardless of what their parents think. Our government is allowing criminals to get away with violence,such as rape ,murder and incest. The criminals break in to commit their violent crimes,you are not safe,even in your own home! Racism is encouraged by our government,as they continue to show different races as different through affirmative action. This is being done intentionally to bring about a police state. The New Age belief system is flooding the country.The bottom line of this belief system is that everyone will eventually evolve into godhood.It is the opposite of Christianity.There is no sin or guilt.No need for a personal God. It is fully occult,to include all occult practices.It sounds good.The cry of the New Age is"you have the power","global unity",Love,peace,joy and harmony".With this "new"belief,you can develop your own value system,as there are no absolute rights or wrongs. This philosophy is saturating America (and the world)by every way possible.Practices of this philosophy include meditation,magic,channelling,physic techniques,astrology,beastiology,tarot cards,mind reading,fortune telling and much more. New Agers use public schools for withcraft,meditation.The work places are used for seminars of higher learning.Theme parks,such as Disney World are used to showcase New Age beliefs and techniques.Television,movies and commercials are all being used to force humanity to accept these"alternative lifestyles and belifes". In the account before the flood,scripture doesn't go into much detail of the evil that was in Noah's time. There was every imagination of evil,corruption and violence (sound familiar?) Genesis 6:6 states"And it repented the Lord the he had made man on the earth,and it grieved him at his heart." He was sorry that he had created man.How do you think he looks at this generation? This brief summary shows more than enough reason for God to grieve over this generation.The sad thing is that this has happened because we the people of the United States of America have allowed it to happen! This evil is worldwide.What most Americans don't realize is much of this type of evil was throughout the world for many years than it has been in America.America is a young country,a little over 200 years old.America is also different. We were the first country to be founded on the frredom to worship God in Spirit and Truth.We are the only country that has a constitution that specifically protects those rights. As long as America was strong and righteous,there could not be an evil One World Leader to head a One World Government. In order to achieve a one world government,America would have to fall.No one could defeat us through attack. The defeat had to come from within our own government,through the corruption of our political leaders.We,as the citizens of the these United States of America are guilty of allowing this to happen! This generation is very much like Noah's was. This could easily be the generation in which Jesus Christ returns for his own. We ned to be prepared,watching and waiting for His return.We need to bring others to Him before His return.We also need to let God be God and know that He will take care of us in the coming time,in the way He thinks best,not as we think is best. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reports in this series are available for $2.00 each with reprint/resell rights included!! for a list of all reports available in this series please send your request to: Rudy & Dale Hulstrom 1504 Cardinal. Melrose Park,IL 60160 (708-345-2684) e-mail Here is the list of all reports in this exciting and revealing series!!! Who Are The Global Elite?? What Are Their Plans For World Domination?? The following list of reports will give you the information you need to make an educated decision about this vitally important subject. Is a New World Order under construction? Is the United States promoting a world government and offering our national sovereignty in return? These reports are available with reprint/resale rights for $2.00 each Buy 3 and get a 4th one FREE! Reports marked with ** are also available on floppy disk in "wri" format at $2.00 each.. 1. The Rapture ** Will satellites be used to project an image of "GOD"? Computer holographs could make the heavens explode with lies 2. As it Was in The Days of Noah ** The world was filled with violence in the days before the flood,are we in the same position today? 3. As it was in the Days of Lot Today we are experiencing the rising tide of acceptable"alternative" lifestyles. This is not new and the end result will be the same for those who accept it 4. Except those days be flesh will be saved Without the intervention of God in the plans of men we will certainly destroy ourselves! 5. Are We in Revelation 1,2,3? The book of Revelation found in the Holy Bible is filled with predictions that very closely match todays headline events.This overview is truly enlightening. 6. Is the Mark of The Beast Here? Technology is rampant and the uses to which it will be put are truly frightening! Here are just a few examples of what could take place very soon 7. The Council on Foreign Relations ** Who are these people and where did they come from?Do they hold the power of government in the United States? 8. The United Nations ** A Socialist Global Dictatorship in America? 9. Executive Orders for a Global Government ** The President of the United States has been given great and varied powers over the years. They could be used to form a totalitarian and heed! 10. The New World Order Are we moving towards what has been called"friendly fascism? Are wars used as stepping stones to world government? 11. What is a Rhodes Scholar? ** Many world leaders are"Rhodes scholars" Who are they and why are they picked for world leadership positions? 12. UN Treaty on the Rights of The Child.**. They Want Your Children!! The United Nations wants control of your children and grand children This is a group of 3 reports that will give you frightening information on the plans and agenda of the United Nations.......SPECIAL.......$5.00 13. Freedom From War The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. This plan was signed by President John F.Kennedy and has been in place for the last thirty years.The plan is in its last stage of deveolpment to disarm the countries of the world and the citizens as well.Will a global army and police force be the result? 14. Population Control,or Population Reduction? ** The truth behind abortion,euthanasia and the final solution! 15. The Environmental Movement According to some our world is in peril. But is it true or just another way of controlling the people of the earth? 16. Welcome To Amerikka Freedom is Dead! Communism Flourishes! The Former Soviet Union? No, this is America Today! 17. Illuninati: The Lords of Darkness.** ..Founded in Bavaria in 1776, The Illuminati was a secret society designed by its founder to create a New World Order.Does this organization still exist today? Find out in this revealing report!! 18. The Fed and the New World Order ** Here is a nine page report that reveals all the basics of the New World Order and the connection to our own Federal Government! This is vital information every American must read!!! 19. New Age or Old Lie??** Is the "New Age" a recent idea,or was it formed long ago and is now dressed up in a new three piece suit? Find out for yourself in this startling report!! 20. Global Taxation** Is there a plan to make global taxes mandatory?? You may have already gusseed it,but you need to know how this will affect you and your family. cut here----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who Are The Global Elite?? What are Their Plans For World Domination? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 To order, print this form and circle the number/s of the reports that correspond to the list above,then return this form with your remittance in cash,check or money order to: Rudy & Dale Hulstrom 1504 Cardinal. 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